Packed with vitamins and minerals, this smoothie from Wendy at DaisiesAndPie will give you just the boost you’re needing now that winter is well and truly here.
I don’t know about where you live, but around here there has been the usual coughs and colds and flu, but also several older folk I know have gone down with pneumonia. Now I’m not saying this smoothie will cure all those, but it will certainly give your immune system a boost to help you fight the bugs.
So what’s in it? Wendy says this smoothie is …
… bursting with superfood goodness. With iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, folate and vitamin A from the spinach. A punch of vitamin A,C and E from the kiwi. Vitamin B6 and C along with manganese, potassium and biotin from the banana. And a healthy dose of good bacteria from the natural yogurt.
Please turn to the Next Page (click button below) for the Immune-Boosting Green Smoothie recipe …
Recipe: Immune-Boosting Green Smoothie
Serves 1 large or 2 small
- Large handful of fresh Spinach
- 2 Kiwi
- 1 Banana
- 2 heaped tbs natural Yogurt
Blend until smooth. Enjoy.
You may also like these smoothies:
Vitamin-C-packed Immune-Boosting Smoothie
Flu Season Immune-Boosting Smoothie
Strawberry Yogurt Kiwi Smoothie
Source: DaisiesAndPie
Photo: DaisiesAndPie
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