I just found this cool cucumber and ginger smoothie recipe aimed at burning off excess belly fat quickly. Good in preparation for summer holidays…

They give a brief intro claiming this combination of ingredients
contribute to the removal of piled fat in the body
prevent water retention
provides a perfect solution for cleansing the liver
It’s a fantastic fresh flavor and will really give you a good base to come up with some great new variations of your own.
Check out the recipe below and let me know what you think…
If you like cucumber, then prepare for a quick removal of belly fat.
This amazing drink combines fresh, healthy ingredients with a great burner of fat which will provide really efficient results in a short period of time. This drink is useful in several ways. It controls the appetite and lowers the desire, especially for sweets, which leads to surplus fat.
– HealthTipsSource.com
Recipe: Cucumber And Ginger Drink
1 cucumber
1 stalk of celery
1 lemon
A handful of parsley
6 mint leaves
1 spoon of grated ginger
Little bit of water
Photo courtesy DrinkMeHealthy.com
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