This delicious smoothie was a new flavor for me. And it works. Give it a try. It is tasty and filling, two requirements for all smoothies. It will fit within our healthy eating weight loss program, so long as you do not drink it all yourself, lol!
The recipe is from Sarah at a German website called Feiertaeglich. If you go over to check out her site, unless you read German, you might want to have your webpage translate it. She has some good recipes.
Everyone knows the classic Mango Lassi. I do not miss a visit to the Indian restaurant without ordering one of them. Either as a starter or as a dessert … Today’s smoothie is [my] tribute …
Please turn to the Next Page (click button below) for the Weight Loss Program: Mango Lassi Tribute Smoothie recipe …
Recipe:Weight Loss Program: Mango Lassi Tribute Smoothie
Serves 2; approx 271 cals each
1 Mango
10 leaves Basil
2 teaspoon Chia seeds
200 g Yogurt, 2% or your choice
1/2 – 1 cup Coconut Water, adjust for your preference
Blend until smooth and enjoy.
Source: Feiertaeglich
Photo: Feiertaeglich
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