Can I really make a smoothie without bananas?
Is that like making an omelette without breaking eggs?
OK. Yes, I can make a smoothie without bananas as I’ve obviously done before: cite the recent PB Oats n Berries Smoothie for one.
When I first saw that recipe I really liked the sound of it but didn’t have any berries. However, I noticed Becky said she had no almond milk so used regular milk instead. So I began to think of how to get around the problem. (I’ve since made the original recipe which we really liked, too.)
So, no strawberries, and no bananas either that morning. What did I have? I had just bought some lovely fresh peaches the day before so decided I’d use them … I wonder what that will taste like?”
And the answer? It was, “Very good!”
Oh, I do love summer fruits!
Please turn to the Next Page for the recipe …
Recipe: We-Got-No-Bananas Peach Smoothie
Serves 2
- 1 c Milk (or almond milk)
- 1/2 cup non-fat Greek Yogurt
- 2 TB Chia Seeds
- 1/2 c. old-fashioned Oats
- 2-4 TB natural Peanut Butter (or almond butter)
- 2 large Peaches (or nectarines)
- 4 Dates
- a little Honey or Maple Syrup, if required
- Ice
Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and enjoy.
Based on a recipe from ProjectDomestication
Photo: DrinkMeHealthy
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