I do love an extra fruit boost in my smoothies every now and then. I still want it to be healthy but it’s lovely to splurge out occasionally on a predominantly fruity smoothie and not worry about balancing proteins, healthy fats, etc. (All important factors i know, especially for diabetics and anyone wanting to keep blood sugar levels low.)
I know it’s not cranberry season, but freezers are great, aren’t they? And pairing them – cranberries, that is, not freezers, lol! – with ripe pears and dates means sugar is not essential.
That’s what we have today from Lindsey Johnson at CafeJohnsonia, a fruit-rich smoothie recipe. (The details are at the end of the post.) Lindsey agrees and says …
I can’t seem to get enough cranberries! … I really like adding them to my smoothies. They add a great tang. Cranberries are really good for you, and this is a great way to use them without adding sugar. The dates and pears provide natural sweetness to offset any excess tartness. A little is good though.
Please turn to the Next Page for the Fruit-Boost Green Smoothie recipe …
Recipe: Fruit-Boost Green Smoothie
Serves 1-2
- 1 cup Water
- 4 Dates, soaked
- 2 ripe Pears, cored, peeled if desired
- 1 cup Cranberries, frozen
- 2 Tangerines, peeled (check for seeds and remove them)
- 2 cups chopped Kale, packed, or any (dark) green leafy veg
- 1 cup Ice
As usual, it’s a simple case of blend until smooth. Then enjoy.
Source: CafeJohnsonia
Photo: CafeJohnsonia
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