I like adding spices to my food for, as well as being tasty, it boosts the metabolism and help your body use a few more calories in digesting it. I especially love ginger and cinnamon in my smoothies.
However, much as I love cayenne in savory meals, I had never thought to add it to a smoothie. But be warned! I advise you go easy and apply it with a very light hand if you have not used it before, or you may blow your top! Then again, maybe I’ve just got and extra spicy one, lol! (Use a small spoon to avoid accidents.)
The recipe is from Andrew Olson at OneIngredientChef and the details are over the page. Andrew tells why this smoothie is good for you …
Pineapple – High in an enzyme known as bromelain, which aids digestion and reduces inflammation.
Ginger – Ginger spikes your metabolism, flushes out waste, aids liver function, and improves digestion.
Cayenne – Used alongside lemon and maple syrup in those crazy “master cleanse” systems, the capsaicin stimulates the circulatory system, opens capillaries, aids digestion, and helps regulate blood sugar.
In addition, I’ve also added optional Flaxseeds for extra fiber and omega-3’s …
Please turn to the Next Page (click button below) for the Sweet n Spicy Pineapple Ginger Smoothie for 220 Calories recipe …
Recipe: Sweet n Spicy Pineapple Ginger Smoothie for 220 Calories
Andrew says …
Reserve 2 tablespoons of pineapple, diced, for a garnish. Ideally, start with frozen banana and frozen pineapple chunks. You can use fresh banana or pineapple, but the texture won’t be quite as creamy as if frozen.
Serves 1 large; 220 cals
- 1+ cup Water*
- 1 small, very ripe Banana, very spotty but not black, frozen
- 1 cup / 165 g Pineapple chunks
- 1 tablespoon fresh Ginger, grated
- 2 tablespoons Lemon Juice
- 1-2 dashes Cayenne Pepper (careful!)
- 1 tablespoon Flaxseed, ground
- 1 teaspoon Maca powder (optional)
* Start with 1 cup and adjust to your preferred thickness.
Blend until smooth and enjoy.
Note: try adding a little sweet spice like cinnamon and see what you think. You can add it or substitute it for cayenne if that is too strong for you.
Source: OneIngredientChef
Photo: OneIngredientChef
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