Here’s a slim-down smoothie secret from celeb trainer Harley Pasternak – protein, fibre, and calcium make this. It’s become a favourite among starlets looking to get back on track after over-indulgent for a period.
This is a spinach smoothie, which has become a favorite of Harley’s celebrity clients (Julianne Hough is a fan!), for helping them stay on the right track too. Check out the recipe below and let me know how you like it…
Leta Shy comments…
Spinach is the star in this creamy smoothie, and for good reason — with just one 16-ounce serving, you’ll be getting your entire recommended dietary allowance of…
- vitamin A (great for healthy skin, hair, and eyes)
- bone-building vitamin K
…as well as an impressive amount of essential nutrients like manganese, potassium, and vitamin C.
This 300-calorie smoothie is a good source of protein, making this veggie-packed smoothie a smart breakfast choice, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.
Recipe coming up on Next Page…
Recipe: Slim-Down Smoothie Secret – Sweet Green Smoothie is a Filling, Fat-burning Meal
Ingredients (Serves 1; 296 calories)
- 2 cups spinach leaves, packed
- 1 ripe pear, peeled, cored, and chopped
- 15 green or red grapes
- 6 ounces fat-free plain Greek yogurt
- 2 tablespoons chopped avocado
- 1 or 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
Source: Leta Shy on
Photo courtesy Leta Shy on
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