Skip the nutrient-free boxed juices and make your own whole-fruit juices, aka smoothies! This whole-fruit, nutrient-rich blueberry and banana smoothie from Ivy Larson at, is everything a box-juice is not. It has a healthy helping of kale, plus healthy fats in the nut milk and seeds, and sweetness from the fruit. After all, why settle for imitation when real food is so much better for you. (You’ll find the recipe at the end.)
Ivy writes …
Unless you squeeze the juice yourself, you’ll most likely be drinking pasteurized juice (upward of 98% of all juice is pasteurized.) Juices are pasteurized to kill bacteria, molds and other “bad stuff”, but pasteurization also kills “good stuff”, including raw enzymes that are very beneficial for overall health, metabolic processes, digestion and detoxification.
… The bottom line is, you are much better off eating the whole fruit (something that is living, fresh and enzyme-rich) as opposed to processed packaged pasteurized juice. If you are thirsty, instead of sipping juice, you (and the kids!) should just drink water.
Please turn to the Next Page for the recipe …
Recipe: Blueberry Banana Smoothie
Serves 2
- 1 ¼ cup ice cold Water
- ? cup organic Coconut Milk
- 1 cup frozen organic Strawberries
- 1 cup frozen wild Blueberries
- 2 frozen Bananas, cut into bite-sized pieces
- Handful of chopped Kale
- 1 tablespoon ground Flaxseeds
Blend until smooth and enjoy.
Source: CleanCuisine
Photo: ditto
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