It seems that weight loss is the main benefit most of us seek from a ‘diet’ / healthy eating program, call it what you will.
But there are more benefits besides, not least of which is an improvement in our skin. I’d had some very unpleasant, flaky, dry patches – thankfully, nothing serious, but unsightly, to say the least. I’d use skin cream which would help, but then I’d forget and it would get bad again.
That was all before starting to drink healthy green smoothies. I can honestly say I was surprised to see how my skin improved. Hello healthy green smoothies; Goodbye skin creams!
This recipe is from SimpleGreenSmoothies and they tell us the benefits of the ingredients in this tasty smoothie. They say …
Antioxidants help to prevent and repair damage to body tissues, our skin included. Vitamin C is one of the greatest antioxidants we have available, and it’s abundant in pineapple. The addition of avocado brings with it other skin-specific nutrients such as vitamins E, A and zinc. In fact, you could probably use this smoothie on your face as a beauty treatment!
Please turn to the Next Page (click button below) for the Skinny Pineapple Green Smoothie That’s Great for Your Skin recipe …
Recipe: Skinny Pineapple Green Smoothie That’s Great for Your Skin
Serves 1; 217 cals
- 1 1/2 cups fresh Spinach
- 1 cup Coconut Water unsweetened
- 1 cup Pineapple frozen
- 1/4 Avocado
Blend until smooth and enjoy.
For a meal-replacement smoothie, consider adding:
- 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
- 2 tbs Pumpkin Seeds
317 cals as a meal-replacement smoothie.
Source: SimpleGreenSmoothies
Photo: SimpleGreenSmoothies
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