We all know that depriving yourself of a food you crave can lead to bingeing, so the next time the urge strikes, share the item you’re craving and immediately halve the calories … well, that’s assuming you share it equally, lol! For many folks, this also has the added benefit of having someone to hold you accountable.
Chocolate is good for us. You knew that … yes? Well, here’s the evidence from studies at the University of Reading (UK) …
Researchers have discovered that physical and emotional enjoyment, even in small doses, can enhance immune function for hours afterwards.
They believe that life’s small pleasures may have a cumulative effect in boosting the immune system over a long period.
And how did they test their theories? By subjecting people to the smell of chocolate.
[Conversely, unpleasant odours have a negative effect.] … potentially weakening resistance to disease …
Professor Warburton said: “Rather than worrying about whether or not you should be indulging in the things you enjoy doing, it is probably healthier just to get on with them, albeit within moderation.”
If you are familiar with a certain coffee shop’s holiday treat, the 16oz Peppermint Mocha with Soy Milk, did you know it contains more than 10 teaspoons of sugar? You might want to give this taste-alike smoothie recipe a go. Our sugar-free, taste-alike alternative is from Dr. Pragati at SimpleMedicine and is a healthy version of that coffee shop treat.
Please turn to the Next Page for the recipe …
Recipe: Immune-Boosting Coconut Chocolate Mint Smoothie
Dr Pragati says …
… if you’re in the mood for something pepperminty and chocolatey, but with far better nutritional value [than the coffee shop 16oz peppermint mocha with soy milk], then try this … Smoothie. It tastes so similar to the real thing that you might be tempted to give up the sweet stuff all together.
Serves 1 (or 2 small)
- 6 oz / 3/4 cup unsweetened Coconut Milk*
- 1 teaspoon Cocoa powder, unsweetened, add more to taste
- 1 scoop Chocolate Plant Protein (about 75 cals per scoop)
- 2 drops food grade Peppermint Oil**
- Ice
Optional extras:
- Milk or water to achieve the consistency you like
- A shot of Espresso
* Some coconut milks are very high in calories; choose with care if this matters to you.
** 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint is equivalent to 1 drop oil, so you can substitute 2 tablespoons for the oil in this recipe.
Blend well and enjoy.
Source: BBC; SimpleMedicine
Photo: SimpleMedicine
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