Around our house the leaves are almost all off the trees so I now have a clear view of the sunset between the hills on the other side of our valley (“glen” in the language of my Scottish ancestry). I love the colors of fall – and it’s just the right time for this apple pie smoothie according to Tracy at

As well as the recipe on the next page, Tracy has some interesting comments on how apples contribute to our health. Check out the recipe below and let me know how you like it…
Here’s Tracy on why apples are a good to use in healthy smoothies…
Apples make a good base or complementary flavoring for your smoothie (read more about how to make the perfect green smoothie with apples). Since apples are not as “creamy” in texture as a pear or mango, an apple smoothie might require slightly less water.
Apples are a good source of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. Studies suggest that apples may protect against osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Apples may help prevent lung, breast, colon and liver cancer. Apples have been shown to lower cholesterol, help manage diabetes, and help with weight loss. Apples are a heart-healthy food and support lung function.
Coming up – the Recipe…
Recipe: Healthy Green Smoothie Evokes Apple Pie
Ingredients (Serves 1; 371 calories)
2 apples, cored
1 – 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 – 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
3 tablespoons cashews
2 cups baby spinach
8 ounces almond milk
A Few Tips:
Alternatives to almond milk could be oat milk, rice milk, soy milk. Rice milk is probably easier to find.
Coconut water is also OK, or indeed cow milk, goat milk, yogurt, kefir, etc., if you’re not vegan. My usual criteria are – does it taste good? and is it healthy? Just try it.
Be aware that too much raw onion or garlic can be overpowering. It’s all a matter of balance. Same word of caution for foods like cabbage.
Source: Tracy Russell
Photo courtesy
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