This is good especially if you are getting started with green smoothies – a Breakfast Blaster which NutriBullet ( reports will boost your weight loss drive “into the next gear”.
Of course, Kale is a weight loss megastar, bringing a high level of fiber to aid healthy digestion and regular elimination.
They cover some key nutritional points so you can understand how this recipe works, so it’ll also help you adopt or adapt some great new ideas for use in your own smoothie recipes.
Scroll down to the next page to check out the recipe and feel free to Like and Share this post (if you do like it!)
NutriBullet comments…
Low glycemic berries sweeten the drink without weighing it down – cut the banana down to half for the perfectly healthy drink that’ll also help maintain your blood sugar levels.
Banana and mixed berries help sweeten the drink, while our Superfood Fat Burning Boost, with all natural ingredients, including green tea, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and more, all help promote satiety and help regulate your metabolism.
Recipe coming up on Next Page…
Recipe: Breakfast Blaster – Banana & Kale Bonanza
Ingredients (Serves 1)
- ½ Tall Cup Kale
- ½ Cup Mixed Berries
- 1 Banana
- 1 Tablespoon Hemp Seeds
- 2 Teaspoons SuperFood Fat Burning Boost
- Water – To Max Line
Source: NutriBullet
Photo courtesy NutriBullet
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