You’ve heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, well let’s translate that to a smoothie a day keeps the doctor away!
Susan at SimpleHealthyKitchen reminded me that we get different nutrients from different colored foods. So remember it’s healthy to eat a wide variety of foods, cooked and raw, to get the best from your diet.
Susan has a rainbow of healthy smoothies, and she says …
O.K. call me crazy, but it makes me really happy to see my refrigerator (and fruit bowl) filled with really colorful fruits and veggies. The more colors, the happier I am. While I like to pile the different colorful fruits and vegetable together on things like salads, I am a more of a purist when it comes to my smoothies (and juices).
I’ve chosen her “White” smoothie today (and we’ll come back with more), so turn to the Next Page for the recipe …
Recipe: Honey Pear Smoothie
Serves: 1
- 1/2 Pear
- 1/2 Banana, frozen
- 1 cup plain Yogurt
- 1/2 cup Coconut Milk, or Almond Milk
- 1 Tbsp Honey, or Agave
- 1 Tbsp Flax Seeds, ground
- 5 whole Almonds
Blend until smooth and enjoy the health benefits of this ‘white’ smoothie.
Source: SimpleHealthyKitchen
Photo: SimpleHealthyKitchen
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