We’ve all been there, whether it was too much too often, or just a massive overdose of rich food all through the holidays. We overindulged. We let the exercise regime slip. Regret sets in, we feel like garbage and if we don’t get back on track quickly we’re ready to give up.
But don’t give up for help is at hand! Rachel Adyt at MensFitness.com tells us …
… there’s good news—you can detox your system to get back on track with your fitness goals. And you don’t have to starve yourself on an extreme liquid cleanse diet to do it …
Upping your water consumption, lounging in a sauna, and opting out of dairy products for a week can do wonders for you and your hardworking toxic-filtering organ, the liver.
Incorporate these simple detox steps into your life, and your body will feel less sluggish in no time.
In a detox you are looking to help your liver with the hard work of eliminating toxins from your body, so any advantage we can give it is a boost.
The website gives ten great tips but I thought I’d pull out just a few that caught my attention.
Turn to the Next Page to see the tips …
[nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]Tip 1: Go Dairy-Free
“Dairy tends to build up mucus and slow down liver function,” says Dr. Bravin.
Tip 2: Hit the Gym
“Many toxicants and toxins such as insecticides, toxic metals, and natural body waste are stored in our fat tissue. Therapeutic heat increases normal metabolic breakdown of fat tissue, releasing fat- stored toxicants so that they can be rapidly excreted in sweat,” advises Dr. Bravin.
Tip 3: Eat Liver-Friendly Foods
Increase your intake of liver supportive foods by eating 4-5 servings a day of organic kale, broccoli, beets, carrots, Brussels sprouts, onions, garlic, or artichokes.
More tips on the Next Page …
[nextpagelink][/nextpagelink]The other tips include:
- Take a break from Caffeine
- Say No to Happy Hour
- Choose Organic
- Fill up on Fiber
- Reach for H2o with Lemon
- Take Your Vitamin
- Sit in the Sauna
Some tips are more obvious than others. See the Source link at the end of the article for more information.
Turn to the Next Page for a Whole Food Protein Smoothie recipe …
Recipe: Whole Food Protein Smoothie
This recipe is from Dr Hyman’s 10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook where he says …
This shake will power you through the hardest and longest of days.
It is 100% whole, fresh, real food, with a spotlight on healthy fats and potent antioxidants from the blueberries.
Ingredients (Serves 1; 377 cals; 14 g Fiber)
- 1 Cup frozen blueberries
- 2 tbsp. almond butter
- 2 tbsp. pumpkin seeds
- 2 tbsp. chia seeds
- 2 tbsp. hemp seed
- 4 whole walnuts
- 3 whole brazil nuts
- 1 large banana
- 1 tbsp. extra-virgin coconut oil
- 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
- 1 cup water
- Combine, blend till smooth, about 2 minutes.
- If it’s too thick add more water till you have a desirable drinking consistency.
Sources: Detox: Rachel Adyt ; Recipe: Dr Hyman
Photo: Pinterest
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