Something special for you today – 10 key tips for healthier, slimmer diet based on what you regularly drink – real “DrinkMeHealthy”!
This’ll be right up your street if you are a green smoothie lover or juicing fan…or anyone wanting more fruit & vegetables in their diet…
You’ll find here the 10 key tips followed by a video by John Kohler (discount so you can either read, or watch, or both!
Check out the tips below and let me know what you think…
Continued on Next Page…
Question: “Hey, what’s the best drink for weight loss?”
Answer: The best drink for weight loss is the drink that’s going to
- feed your body
- nourish your body and
- hydrate your body
So forget all the canned, bottled juices and sodas.
Instead – juice your own fruit and vegetables to make the best weight-loss smoothie or juice drinks ever!
How should we do that? Read on to find out…
1. You’ll need a Juicer
On a recent episode of Dr Oz, a guest – Dr Joel Fuhrman – recommended eating a plant-strong diet – ie a diet that is very rich in fresh fruit and fresh vegetables.
A juicer allows you to do this- to literally concentrate and drink more fruits and vegetables than you’d probably be able to eat.
According to John…
“the juicer is one of the ways that helped me to lose over 25 pounds. I was never really overweight but yes I was kind of getting up there, I’m now I’m fit, trim and actually quite healthy – due to the juicer and all the fruits and vegetables I eat.”
Objection: But what if…you don’t like how fruits and vegetables taste!
2. Objection: But what if…you don’t like how fruits and vegetables taste!
Well guess what? When you own your own juicer you get to make your own recipes – so you can add more things like fruits that’s going to make your juice taste really sweet and will actually hide some of the flavours of some of the greens or other vegetables that you may not like so much.
So rather than teach you how to make a specific recipe for weight loss, it’s much more useful for me to teach you guys how to eat a variety (literally juice a variety) of fruits and vegetables.
Coming up on Next Page: the anatomy of making your own fresh juice?
3. So what is the Anatomy of Making Your Own Fresh Juice?
It first starts with the recipe.
Just like baking cookies – you know every cookie always has flour, butter, eggs, maybe some sugar, and then some other things to make it special…
- add chocolate chips to make them chocolate chip cookies
- add peanut butter to make the peanut butter cookies or
- add macadamia nuts to make them macadamia nut cookies,
…but they all start with the standard base recipe.
Just the same, every juice should start with a standard base recipe.
Question: What are some of the vegetables that should be in your standard base juicing recipe?
4. Question: What are some of the vegetables that should be in your standard base juicing recipe?
- Something like celery is nice and water-rich. it’s very high in electrolytes and really good for you.
- Cucumbers are also a water-rich fruit (although they are considered a vegetable)
- Carrots are high in beta-carotene. Most carrots that you may be aware over orange, but they also come in different colours such as purple, red and yellow. Try a variety of colors, especially heirloom carrots. They’re not quite as sweet but have a very nice flavour.
- Apples also make a really good base juice. It’ll make your juice a little bit sweeter (if you’re not keen on your greens.)
- Another item good for your juice base could be zucchini – this will add some nice liquid to the mix.
Once you’ve got your base down you want to add the extras & add-ons
- the leafy greens – some collard greens, or of course you can use kale.
Aside: Leafy Greens
5. Aside: Leafy Greens?
The leafy green vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. But what does “nutrient-dense” mean? – They contain the most nutrition per calorie of any food on earth.
Whereas you know something from McDonald’s, some potato chips or other junk food, are really calorie-dense, and guess what? Calories make you put on weight folks! Also, they are very nutrient-poor.
According to John,
If you eat a diet that is rich in nutrients, like the fruit and vegetable diet (especially when juicing them), you get all the nutrients you need, and your body will start shedding the pounds. That’s what happened to me, and I have no problem maintaining my weight – eating those wonderful foods found in nature.
So my next point is – avoid processed foods…
6. Avoid Processed Foods
As foods are processed they gain density in calories i.e. high in calories and low in nutrients.
The closer you get to eating natural foods, you get more nutrients and less calories. So the leafy greens are really good to add…
7. Add Herbs
Besides a leafy greens you’ve got some herbs. For example, cilantro and parsley are considered herbs. These are very nutritious. Some people claim that cilantro can actually help to detoxify the body of heavy metals.
Swiss chard is definitely recommended to add. It will add a nice salty flavour do you juice (if you miss the salt).
Mustn’t forget some broccoli!
There have been studies that show things like broccoli, or sprites and there are constituents of broccoli that can help avoid cancer. But also it’s a really good vegetable to juice.
You can also buy broccoli and cauliflower from a local farmers market, along with some collard greens.
Note 1: for those kind of ingredients you should only add in a few leaves to your juice. Otherwise they can really overpower the flavor of your juice – and some have really have strong flavours that you may not like.
Note 2: Most foods that are processed have added salt in them because salt is actually a really good preservative, and makes food taste good.
But guess what? That’s another thing, in my opinion, that also adds pounds to your waist line because it causes excess water weight.
Note 3: Water – another reason why juicing is so beneficial – because the water is all liquid! And our bodies are 70-75% water and when we drink or eat things that contain so much water, it hydrates us. When we are properly hydrated, the body can flush out all the excess water weight, and the mineral salts it doesn’t need.
See my favorite tip on Next Page…
8. What Proportions in the Mix?
Start out with about 75% of your glass as the base. Then the remaining 25% or so of some of the leafy greens to make it taste really good.
9. Juicing Equipment Suggested:
Equip 110.5 juice extractor – centrifugal ejection style juicer
– hi speed, quick and easy to use
– excels at juicing hard vegetables and hard firm roots
– <$100?? & 10-year warranty??
10. Daily Cycle to Get Started:
Here’s the daily cycle John suggests:
- Juicing for breakfast (replaces your normal breakfast)
- Have normal lunch
- Afternoon juice snack
- Regular dinner
Want to watch John Kohler’s video – “The Best Drink to Lose Weight Ever Discovered”
Follow the link to the Next Page…
11. Video: The Best Drink to Lose Weight Ever Discovered
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Based on a video by John Kohler (discount
Photo courtesy
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