Ah – this is so timely! Do juicing wrong, and you’re likely to end up damaging your health instead of improving. Here’s a short series (just 4) warnings of how too many folk get it wrong, with good advice on how to get back on track.
Check out all 4 points to make sure you are not at risk…Let me know what you think…
Sipping your nutrients has been crazy popular for a while now. And it’s no surprise—the drink can provide you with loads of health benefits by upping your intake of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.
The problem is, there’s a lot of confusion about how to juice.
Some people start with the go-big-or-go-home mentality with juice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Others add so many juices to their diet that it totally negates the health benefits.
No matter what your juicing dilemma, we’re here to help.
There are 4 juicing fails you’ll want to avoid:
- Going All Or Nothing
- Adding Without Subtracting
- Picking the Wrong Produce
- Juicing (and Storing) in Bulk
Read the first on the Next Page…
1. Going All Or Nothing
Some people get so caught up in a new diet trend that they think going to the extreme will provide better, faster results. In reality, that often sets you up for failure.
For most us (myself included) it’s extremely difficult to sustain an all-juice diet for any extended length of time (just check out these 15 signs you’re on a juice cleanse!). It’s a ticking time bomb that will likely explode and result in you downing a bag of Doritos and bingeing at a burger joint. Not a good plan.
The key is to incorporate juices into your diet without totally replacing your meals.
For most people, a breakfast juice is a great place to start. Try a green juice** with a handful of almonds instead of your usual breakfast of yogurt or cereal
Do this a couple times a week, allow it to become a part of your healthy eating routine, and you’ll be sure to stay on the juicing wagon (otherwise, we make no promises).
**See recipe on Next Page…
Recipe: Here’s a Good One To Get Started:
- 1/2 a head of romaine lettuce
- 1/2 a cucumber
- 6 spinach leaves, and
- 1/2 a green apple
Now go check the other juicing risks to avoid. You’ll find the full original article here: womenshealthmag.com
Photo courtesy womenshealthmag.com
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