Some smoothie recipes just jump out at me! Do you feel the same sometimes? This is one of these – it must be the mix of colors (green & orange) and the mix of flavors (sweet spuds, papaya & orange). Either way this looks good & tastes great! Worth a try…
(Do you know about “spuds”? – Slang for potatoes in my childhood homeland of Scotland)
Green Smoothie for Weight Loss – Sweet Potato Orange With Papaya
This is one of the first sweet potato smoothies I ever made. If you’ve never used sweet potato in your smoothies before, be sure to give it a try!
Sweet potatoes are an exceptionally rich source of vitamin A (as beta-carotene). They also are a good source of vitamins B5 and B6, as well as copper. You can sweet potatoes cooked or raw. I chose to use cooked in this recipe as more of the flavor comes out when it is cooked. I boiled it for about 8 minutes (just enough to make it soft), but not over cooked. I than let it cool for about 10 minutes, (I put it in the freezer to speed this process up). You can use raw sweet potato if you prefer.
I didn’t add additional water as the cooked sweet potato and orange provided enough liquid, but if you are going to use raw sweet potato, you might want to add a little water or almond milk.
Read on to the Next Page for the recipe…
Recipe: Sweet Potato-Orange Green Smoothie with Papaya
Ingredients: (Calories: 337; Serves 1)
1 orange, peeled and deseeded
1/2 cup cooked and cooled sweet potato, mashed
3 cups baby kale
2 tablespoons chia seeds, soaked for 5 minutes
1 cup papaya, cubed
For the full instructions go over to the original article at
Photo courtesy
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