A little more useful info on detoxing… This article from Women’s Health magazine gives 5 tips or pointers on how to get the best out of different types of detox drinks. They cover Red Juices, Green Tea, Liquid Veggies, H20 (Water) and Fermented Drinks, outlining the particular benefits (and warnings) of each.
Important info for us all to take heed of. Check out the recipe below and let me know what you think…
Down a detoxing beverage to shrink your tummy, rev your metabolism, and clear up your skin…
Bonus: more energy!
Here are five** crucial pointers you’re going to want to know about how to get the most out of your juice.
Read on to Next Page for the first of the detox tips…
Red Juices
Processed juices are often loaded with sugar, a source of empty calories that can contribute to harmful cellular inflammation, says May Tom, R.D., staff nutritionist at Cal-a-Vie, a health retreat in Vista, California.
But pomegranate juice is packed with antioxidants, including ellagic acid, which Tom says assists your liver in its detox duties.
And beet juice, known in Chinese medicine as a blood purifier, was recently found to increase athletic endurance. Use them in moderation (e.g., as an ingredient in smoothies).
Read on to Next Page for the next detox tip…
Fermented Drinks
Toxins are a leading cause of inflammation in your body, and when that occurs in your digestive tract, it can bloat your stomach and make your waistband snug.
Probiotics, the kind of good-for-you bacteria found in yogurt, can soothe tummy troubles and deflate your belly.
Get a dose from fermented drinks like kefir, which is dairy-based, and kombucha, a tea.
Another plus: They may help increase your overall immunity.
**For the remaining 3 detox pointers, go over to the original article here: womenshealthmag.com
Photo courtesy womenshealthmag.com
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