Another excellent weight-loss smoothie resource… This time 8 ingredients to choose from to add at breakfast smoothie time in order to get most slimming benefit. Good work again from Jenny Sugar at

Each item is explained along with its nutritional benefits and a suggested recipe to try.
Great info to bear in mind and use whenever you fancy something different without interrupting your weight-loss regime.
Here’s Jenny’s intro to her add-on ingredients…
To kick-start your metabolism, eating breakfast is key. It not only fills you up to help prevent mindless snacking on unhealthy noshables, but it also energises you for calorie-burning workouts. Smoothies are one of the best breakfasts you can have, because you can throw just about anything healthy into your blender, and all you’ll taste is the fruit.
To maximise your weight-loss potential, add these ingredients to your smoothies.
Read on for the 1st of the 8 recipes…
Coming up on Next Page: Pear Berry Weight-loss Smoothie
1 (of 8). Flaxmeal
The key to weight loss is filling up on low-cal foods that are high in fibre to keep you satiated longer. Flaxseeds contain both soluble and insoluble fibre, and when ground into flax meal and added to a smoothie, you’ll hardly taste it. As a bonus, flax also offers essential omega-3 fatty acids. Try this pear berry weight-loss smoothie that offers almost 20 grams of fibre.
It’s an easy way to sip down 19 grams of fiber and 13 grams of protein. Keep reading to learn how to make this 350-calorie weight-loss smoothie.
Recipe: Pear Berry Weight-loss Smoothie
1 pear
1 kiwi, peeled
1/4 ripe avocado
1 cup frozen raspberries
1 cup raw spinach
3 ounces nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt
1/2 teaspoon flaxmeal
2 cups cold water
Recipe coming up on Next Page: Chocolate Banana Berry Protein Smoothie
2 (of 8). Berries
While fruits offer tons of fibre, berries are your best bet. Try this chocolate banana berry protein smoothie made with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. The almost 11 grams of fibre will keep that “I’m full” feeling going strong to discourage mindless snacking. It also doesn’t hurt that eating blueberries helps diminish belly fat.
Recipe: Chocolate Banana Berry Protein Smoothie
3 ounces nonfat plain Greek yogurt
1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup raspberries
1/2 cup chocolate milk
1/2 cup water
Recipe coming up on Next Page: Vegan Vanilla Milkshake Smoothie
3 (of 8). Tofu
Protein in the morning is a must if you’re trying to lose weight, because it offers you sustained energy to prevent the morning blahs from forcing you to reach for a high-sugar pick-me-up. While protein powder is a great way to increase the fibre in your smoothie, it can cause bloating or gas if you’re not used to it. Tofu is another source of protein, but it’s easy to digest, and since it’s virtually flavourless, it’s the perfect smoothie ingredient.
Here’s a smoothie that tastes like a vanilla milkshake made with soft tofu, soy milk, and peanut butter that offers over 17 grams of protein.
Recipe: Vegan Vanilla Milkshake Smoothie
125g soft tofu
120ml vanilla soy milk
1 frozen banana
1/2 tablespoon peanut butter
Recipe coming up on Next Page: Jump-Start Your Morning With This Metabolism-Boosting Smoothie
4 (of 8). Beans
Don’t knock it till you try it! Adding cannelloni beans to your smoothie seems like a weird idea, but just like tofu, it adds a creamy consistency without any flavour. But what’s really important is the amount of fibre it offers to keep you full and satisfied all morning long. Give this metabolism-boosting smoothie a try, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t start adding beans to your blender sooner. It also has a sprinkle of cinnamon for calorie-free flavour and to speed up your metabolism.
Recipe: Jump-Start Your Morning With This Metabolism-Boosting Smoothie
6 ounces vanilla nonfat Greek yogurt
8 almonds
1/4 cup broccoli florets, stems cut off
1 cup frozen strawberries
1/4 cup cannellini or garbanzo beans
3/4 cup iced green tea
1 teaspoon flaxmeal
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Recipe coming up on Next Page: Flat-Belly Smoothie
5 (of 8). Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt provides a decent amount of calcium and protein, both of which can aid in weight loss. It’s an easy ingredient to add to smoothies, and to save even more calories, go for plain instead of flavored. This flat-belly smoothie is also made with pineapple, which contains an enzyme that helps ease digestion and banish bloat.
Recipe: Flat-Belly Smoothie
85 grams vanilla nonfat Greek yoghurt
1 tablespoon almond butter
50 grams frozen blueberries
70 grams frozen pineapple
67 grams kale
177 ml water
Recipe coming up on Next Page: Clear Skin Smoothie
6 (of 8). Avocados
Fats have a bad reputation, but eating the right kinds — monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) — may actually quiet hunger.
This clear-skin smoothie is made with ripe avocado, a great source of oleic acid. Be careful not to overdo it on this healthy ingredient, as it’s also high in calories.
Recipe: Clear Skin Smoothie
2 cups raw spinach
1/4 avocado
1/2 cup red grapes (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 teaspoon flaxmeal
1 cup water
Recipe coming up on Next Page: Chocolate Banana Cashew Smoothie
7 (of 8). Spinach
A mild-tasting green, throw in a big bunch of baby spinach (kale works too). You’ll be increasing the fibre to help you stay full and to also prevent constipation, which won’t help you lose weight but will make your belly look flatter. Mix up this chocolate banana cashew smoothie, and aside from spinach, it’s also made with chocolate soy milk to satisfy your sweet tooth and to prevent you from devouring a high-calorie dessert bomb later.
Recipe: Chocolate Banana Cashew Smoothie
3 oz. nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt
1/2 frozen banana
1/4 avocado
1/2 cup spinach
1/2 cup chocolate soy milk
1/8 cup raw cashews
1/2 cup waterFor garnish:
3 dark chocolate chips
Recipe coming up on Next Page: Cherry Berry Ginger Smoothie
8 (of 8). Walnuts
A source of protein and healthy fats — that’s two reasons walnuts can help you drop pounds.
Try them in this cherry berry ginger smoothie, which also contains satiating, fibre-rich kale; cherries; strawberries; and wheat germ.
Recipe: Cherry Berry Ginger Smoothie
1 cup frozen cherries
1 cup strawberries
1 cup kale
1/8 cup walnuts
1 teaspoon wheat germ
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
3/4 cup green tea
That’s all folks…!
Discover how these 8 ingredients help with weight loss and try the recipes here: Jenny Sugar at
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